Calendar of Events
Description Of Events
Chapter Meetings
​Chapter Meetings take place every second Thursday of the month at 6:30 in Ms. Cramer's room (unless otherwise scheduled). During the meetings we will promote to new members describing what our club has to offer, plan future events, stay updated on upcoming conference and retreats, and recognize the accomplishment and work members.
Officer Meetings
The chapter officer team conducts biweekly meetings in order to plan, discuss, and evaluate the local progress of the FCCLA organization. Each officer is responsible for the officer duties according to their office and work together to have an organized and orderly club.
Summer Stampede
July 30- Aug 1 - FCCLA members and interested students can stop the FCCLA booth during Kearney High's Summer Stampede. At our booth you can learn more about FCCLA, get the overview for the upcoming year, and learn when our first meeting is for the upcoming school year.
Fall Leadership & Spot Conference
Chapter officers attend FLW to help them become acquainted with their new leadership positions. Each officer attends a specific session aimed at their office position. The chapter officers acquire new skills and learn more about their offices. State Peer Officers have a separate meeting in order to plan the upcoming State Peer Education Retreat.
First Social Of The Year
Aug 22- Bonfire at cottonmill park. We get together, meet new people, discuss about what FCCLA is and what we do throughout the year. We play games, make smore's, and anyone interested in joining can contact officers about how to officially do so.
District Leadership Conference
October 8th - District Leadership Conference (DLC) will be held at the UNK Student Union and all members are encouraged to attend. Members who present will attend sessions and meet new people. Each year, DLC provides a great way for new and potential members to learn more about FCCLA as well as mingle with other students throughout our district.
Trick-Or-Treat For Canned Fooc
October 28th - On Thursday, October 28th at 7:00 pm our chapter will join Key Club, to trick-or-treat for canned goods. Participants will dress up and go door-to-door to ask for canned and nonperishable donations The proceeds will be going to local community organizations and FCCLA members will be hosting a social after the event.
North Pole Express
December 2nd- Members will help serve hot chocolate and cookies to the guests riding trolleys for the North Pole Express. As the trolleys depart members sing carols.
Fccla Week
February 12th- 18th - Our chapter is preparing for the annual FCCLA Week in February. We plan to create a large display board in one of the building's main hallways as a promotion campaign to spread the word about FCCLA. During FCCLA week each day with have a new dress up or costume theme. On Monday members will serve meals for the Jubilee Center.
Peer Education Retreat
February 26th- 27th - Members will attend the Peer Education Conference, at the Ramada Inn in Kearney. This conference is a great opportunity for members to interact with other FCCLA chapters, and learn more about becoming a State Peer Officer.
State Leadership Conference
April 2nd-4th - FCCLA members from across the state will gather in Lincoln, Ne to network with fellow members, attend FCCLA program workshops and leadership sessions, and take part in Competitive Events. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to get empowered with your FCCLA family.
Awards Night
April 29th - Every FCCLA member is invited to attend and receive their award and recognition. Members will be recognized for their strengths, quiz bowl participants, STAR participants, and two outstanding advisers.
Testing & Driving Seminar
May 5th - With the help of local community members (Meadowlark Gold Course and Kearney Police Department) FCCLA members will show the students of Kearney High School the dangers of texting and driving. Students will take turns driving a golf cart and try to avoid obstacles while trying to send texts.
Bonfire Social
May 12th - To celebrate the end of a successful year members are encouraged to attend at Cottonmill Park and bring a friend you might want to join FCCLA. At the social there will be a potluck, yard games, FCCLA information, and smores!