September Newsletter
During the month of September, our chapter began to kick things off. On September 12th, all seven of our chapter officers attended Fall Leadership workshop, which was held in Kearney this year. The purpose of this workshop is to help officers become acquainted with their new leadership positions. Each officer attended a specific session aimed at their office position. The chapter officers were very successful in acquiring new skills and learning more about their offices.
On Wednesday, September 14th our chapter held its first official meeting of the year, at the meeting members played some fun games, and were introduced to what FCCLA is all about. The meeting had a great turnout, and our chapter is very excited about what is to come.
On September 22nd, we hosted a social for new and interested members. The social allowed members to play fun games while mingling with new people. At the social members enjoyed treats such as an Eileen's Cookie and trail mix, while talking about upcoming events our chapter has planned. Members also participated in a scavenger hunt game called Goosechase, which asks players to do different tasks around the school for points.